Dimple Jacketed Tanks
- Products
- Dimple Jacketed Tanks
Dimple Jacket
- Tanks and Reactor made out of SS304 and SS316.
- The tanks will have conventional Dimple jacket , Laser Weld
dimple jacket , and conventional jacket.
- The tanks will be designed with ASME code or other code on
- The thermal duties will be well designed with computerised
- The tanks will be designed with process and service valves
- The Tanks and Reactor are designed with CIP spray ball system
for online cleaning.
- PLC Control tanks and System as optional.
Limpet jacket
- Tanks and Reactor made out of SS304 and SS316.
- The tanks will have conventional limpet jacket and conventional
- The tanks will be designed with ASME code or other code on
- The thermal duties will be well designed with computerised
- The tanks will be designed with process and service valves
- PLC Control tanks and System as optional.
Conventional Jacket
- The Jacketed duct will be made out of SS304 and SS316.
- The ducts will have Laser Weld dimple jacket for better pressure
- The thermal duties will be well designed with computerised
- The Ducts are designed with CIP retrofit nozzle system for on
line cleaning.
- PLC Control System as optional to control the services like
Steam, Ice water, Cooling tower water.
Falling film chiller
- Laser weld falling film chiller made out of SS 304 and SS 316.
- The falling film chiller can be operated with various
refrigerant of Ammonia and Freon base.
- The Falling film chiller will be designed from 10 KW to the
higher capacity of 1000 KW.
- The Falling film chiller will have the proper distribution to
make sure all the Evaporator is wetted properly.
- The System can be designed with the PLC on have all data and
proper operation.